Front Cover Mockup of High-value content asset educates FMs on the commercial case for healthy buildings.

White paper explains value-add of healthy buildings

Priva is one of the world’s leading building automation tech companies. A long-term client of Content Coms, their global comms team is well aware of our specialist healthy buildings and wellbeing expertise.

The Priva team asked us to author the central content asset in a major campaign to connect with end-user customers – titled: Healthy Buildings: Why now is the time to invest in building management technologies. Once written (our copy style and language needed to be precise, concise and easy to translate), the whitepaper has been translated into three European languages. It is now being promoted via a major PPC and promotional campaign.

Is it working? Yes! Early campaign stats already show downloads from global brands across Europe.

Here’s what we did for Priva…

  • Advised on general trends / areas of focus /overarching themes
  • Scoped-out content outline
  • Authored the paper in language that was suitable for easy translation
  • Ensured sources and stats used were relevant to non-UK readers
  • Advised on post-launch campaign targeting
Spread Mockup of High-value content asset educates FMs on the commercial case for healthy buildings.

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