Making a complicated message uncomplicated

Origami Energy was struck by our portfolio of micro-brochures with their ‘super-simple’ messaging.

These guys wanted something similar. On the cusp of launching a finance package for energy storage technology, they asked us to connect with their market in a way that conveyed the absolute simplicity of their approach.

And so, The Art of Energy Storage was born.

This little book tells the ‘story’ of rising time-of-use energy charges and offers an easy solution to take control of them.

Used as the key asset in an online campaign, The Art of Energy Storage is attracting attention from all the right people.

What did we do?

We made the complicated uncomplicated.

For Origami Energy, we applied our trademark content style. Simple, clear and finely-tuned commercial messages flow in a logical way – from start to finish – in a beautifully presented micro-brochure.

There’s no complex vocabulary. No detail-overload. Nothing to confuse and distract the reader.

This is energy sector marketing at its most impactful.

Explore Origami Energy

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