Technology PR firm provides marketing support for client at major trade show

Content Communications supported its long-standing client, Energys Group, experts in led replacements for son lamps, with technology marketing at The Energy Event at the Birmingham NEC.

Content Communications provided PR support and marketing materials to boiler controls, power optimisation and LED upgrades firm Energys at this major industry showcase. The Energys stand proved to be a huge success, generating many sales leads.

Joanna Watchman, Managing Director of Content Coms, comments: “There are three main energy sector shows in the UK and, until recently, it has been hard to distinguish between them. This year, however, The Energy Event has really set itself apart from competitors like NEMEX.”

Several other Content Coms clients were also in attendance at The Energy Event, in order to assess its suitability for exhibiting next year.

Joanna Watchman says: “It is very positive to see the big energy brokers and suppliers taking part in this trade show. The Energy Event has developed a very different visitor profile to others on the market and we are excited to continue to support our clients with B2B marketing and PR at future events.”

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Content Coms
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