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Content Coms client advises green refurbishment is key
Anders Norén, Managing Director at Priva Building Intelligence Ltd, one of the UK’s leading BMS controls companies, advises on the low-carbon benefits of green refurbishment in the new issue of Building Services and Environmental Engineer (BSEE).
In the last few years, a difficult conundrum has arisen for many organisations because there is less money available for green business efforts, yet there is also greater pressure from outside sources to be more environmentally responsible.
Greater government legislation, tightening emissions targets and the growing presence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on boardroom agendas have made carbon reduction a corporate mandate. However, tough economic times mean that every low-carbon endeavour must be undertaken on a strict budget. For this reason, the ‘make do and mend’ mantra of the recession has been extended to the UK’s building stock.