Green tech PR firm comments on UK energy supply concerns

The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has found that future energy supply is one of the biggest concerns for British businesses and this uncertainty is putting investment and growth prospects at risk.

The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has found that future energy supply is one of the biggest concerns for British businesses and this uncertainty is putting investment and growth prospects at risk.

The lobbying organisation’s annual infrastructure survey, compiled with KPMG, reveals that energy has overtaken transport as the prime infrastructure concern for businesses. Ninety percent of the 526 firms surveyed are concerned about security of supply and 95% are worried about the cost.

webThis comes after a report issued last month by the CBI arguing that energy efficiency has been “neglected for too long”.

Joanna Watchman, Managing Director of the energy marketing specialist, Content Coms, says: “As concerns about energy security grow, the green tech sector will continue to fill an important gap in the market, helping to facilitate widespread reduction in energy use.”

She adds: “Our low-carbon marketing experience has shown how important it is for companies to effectively communicate the range of benefits that energy-efficient technologies provide. It is vital to help customers understand that it’s not just about lower carbon emissions, but also reduced costs and increased energy resilience.”

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Content Coms
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