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Ofgem’s Smart Systems Plan: Content Coms welcomes smarter energy

Ofgem has just released its Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan, and there’s all kinds of interesting news inside for how we’ll power tomorrow’s UK. Giles Crosse investigates.

The plan’s fundamentals

Released July 2017, the plan has been produced for a simple reason; our energy is changing. Ofgem thinks that new technologies like energy storage are emerging fast; such tech is no longer nascent.

By taking advantages of the opportunities new energy technologies provide, the report says we can save some £40 billion in the coming decades.

That’s a very hefty chunk of useful money for UK PLC, and cash that could be used to further the UK’s low carbon transition and profitable, sustainable businesses. For this to happen effectively however, insight and planning is key.

As such, the report posed a number of questions to stakeholders, seeking guidance on how Government and Ofgem together should deliver the UK’s energy transition.

What answers do UK stakeholders, and the report, offer up?

Ofgem has taken stakeholder feedback and identified key work areas. These include removing barriers to smart technologies, including storage, enabling smart homes and businesses, and making markets work for flexibility.

‘We have heard consistent calls to modernise the regulatory environment for electricity storage,’ writes Ofgem. ‘Storage can open up many possibilities, helping to integrate low carbon generation, reduce the costs of operating the system, and help avoid or defer costly reinforcements to the network.’

Ofgem also argues that fundamental changes taking place within the energy markets must see new sectors, technologies and services flourish.

‘Changes that improve access to these markets for smart businesses will enable them to compete fairly and reduce costs for consumers,’ it says.

Now we know the challenge; what comes next?

Ofgem believes that by harnessing the potential of energy storage, demand-side response and smarter business models, we have an opportunity to upgrade to one of the most efficient, productive energy systems in the world.

“At Content Coms, it’s our business to understand the complexities of today’s evolving energy,” comments Jo Watchman, Founder and CEO.

“We welcome reports like Ofgem’s. Almost every day now we see new data and intelligence revealing a true shift in the UK’s energy strategy. Ofgem, National Grid; all seem convinced that flexibility and new energy models are coming in our country.

“For the first time in years, I feel confident that a new, decarbonised and more useful energy system really is on the way.

Business intelligence and energy changes

“What’s vital though is for every UK business, whether large or small, to understand what that means for them,” Watchman says. “What about energy costs, smart metering for business, the potential to self generate or options for tariffs and purchasing?

“Every revolution brings questions and challenges; energy especially so. We at Content Coms are here to explain the challenges and communicate the opportunities.

“We can’t wait to expand our work as the UK becomes an ever more fertile place for low carbon business. Give us a call to chat informally about what we do and how we can help.”

Content Coms is one of the UK’s leading B2B communications consultancies specialising in the energy, low carbon and technology sectors. If you’ve enjoyed our article, how about reading more of our energy news and analysis?

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