£240m Green Deal failed to deliver “meaningful benefit” argues report

Source: EnergyZine

The abandoned Green Deal policy cost taxpayers £240m and did not provide households with energy or carbon savings, argues a report from the National Audit Office (NAO).

The Green Deal, formerly the government’s flagship energy efficiency scheme, did not achieve “value for money” because its design and implementation “did not persuade householders that energy efficiency measures are worth paying for,” claims the report, which also finds that just one per cent of households took out loans under the scheme during its lifetime.

The NAO, which released an accompanying report into the DECC’s loans to the Green Deal Finance Company, claims that the government department expects that it will not recover its £25m stakeholder loan to the finance company, along with the £6m of interest gained on it, with the paper citing a lack of consumer demand for Green Deal loans compared to initial predictions as a major factor in the finance company not being able to cover its operating costs.

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